The IRF has a new Director of Sport Development.
Chris joined the IRF earlier this year. He has been fortunate to have attended four WRC events, but has not yet attended one as an IRF Council Member. Chris became active in Ringette 20 years ago with his daughters. Over that period, Chris has coached 30 different Ringette teams from U6 up to the WRC. He has thoroughly enjoyed the energy and uniqueness of all the athletes that he's been blessed to work with. He co-founded the Central Alberta AA Ringette Club in 2005 and has also been an NCCP Ringette Coaching Facilitator and Evaluator since 2008. He was the Ringette Sport Lead at the 2019 Canada Winter Games. Currently, Chris is honoured to coach the Edmonton WAM! in the National Ringette League. Chris's role with the IRF is Director of Sport Development and he is responsible for providing support and consistent direction in athlete, coach and club development for the IRF Member Nations, and aspiring new Ringette countries. Currently Chris is drafting a Sport Development Plan that will encompass the next few years. Welcome to the IRF Chris!